Real-Time and Dynamic Content Filtering
ContentProtect Professional is the perfect solution for managing the Internet use of your employees, both in and out of the office, with a powerful and real-time content analysis engine to categorize web content in real-time. This engine can accurately filter out the content and websites you don’t want your employees viewing.
Remote Management and Reporting
ContentProtect Professional makes managing the settings for all your users easy and accessible anywhere. The web based administration console “in the cloud” allows Administrators to view reports, manage, and make changes to Internet policies, and permit or terminate Internet access, anywhere and at any time.
Easy to Install and Use
ContentProtect Professional supports auto-deployment through most software deployment solutions including Active Directory Group Policies. The solution can be easily added making deployment fast and easy. The ContentProtect Professional software can be integrated with the Windows login. This ensures a single sign in and eliminates the need to manage separate login credentials for computers and Internet access.
Email Alerts
Defining “alerts” in the web based administration console is easy. Alerts are events triggered by a user’s action or request. Alerts can be generated based on blocked web pages, requests for policy changes, request that can send email notifications an Administrator or Department Manager.
Customizable Policies per User/Group
With the option to set policies by each user or by a group affiliation, you can avoid the “one size fits all” scenario some products force upon end users. The options for individual policies or group policies allow Administrators to be as granular or simplistic as their organization requires.
ContentProtect Pro can be used as configured right “out of the box” or can be customized for each employee. Through group management changes, updates to your settings can be administered at once with no need to update individual users.
Settings customization can be done to create custom block pages, create custom “whitelists” and “blacklists” of sites, and even hide the application icon on a user’s computer. This helps administrators create a truly custom user experience based on their company’s Internet Usage Policies and needs.