
You don’t need to buy several modules or products to Monitor, Discover and Prevent data leakage on your company network and endpoints. Using MyDLP is enough. For more checkout the MyDLP Datasheet and Why MyDLP pages.


With MyDLP, you can block any data flow containing credit card numbers, social security numbers or any sensitive information. Your customers will be more comfortable when sharing their personal and financial information with you. MyDLP provides data security for web, mail, printers, removable devices and more. Your sensitive data will not leak out through network connections or endpoint devices.


You train MyDLP with your private data files once, and MyDLP will protect them forever. No one will be able to transfer them outside your network.

Prevention of data loss is a battle that needs to fought on many levels. Malicious hackers want your data and will look to steel it from everywhere you operate. MyDLP provides data security for web, mail, printers, removable devices and more. Your sensitive data will not leak out through network connections or endpoint devices.


Criminal hackers prize all data that can personally identify an individual because it can be used for identity theft and financial fraud. New laws and regulations are increasingly holding businesses accountable for protecting such data, data that is also essential to business operations.

Criminals are turning to tactics pioneered by governments to steal national security data, known as Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) for their own criminal data theft operations. APTs include elaborate data theft operations that leverage seemingly innocuous data, such as internal company activities to obtain more critical data through deceptions such as email phishing that tricks recipients into revealing their personal data.

This makes all data in your organization more vulnerable, whether it is data in a database or data in the memory of a photocopier. Your data is your most precious asset and your data is at risk more than ever.