
PCI (Payment Card Industry) Scan

An Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) provides a PCI scan solution that helps you adhere to PCI DSS requirements. The PCI SSC (PCI Security Standards Council) approves an ASV only after testing the vendor’s scan solution and ensuring that the ASV successfully meets all requirements to perform PCI data security scanning.

Security Solution Providers are listed as Approved Scanning Vendors by the PCI DSS Council. The PCI Scan is to manage external vulnerability scanning services so to verify the scanning requirements.

PCI DSS (Data Security Standards)

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) are a set of 12 requirements developed jointly by Visa, MasterCard, JCB International, Discover and American Express to prevent consumer data theft and reduce online fraud.

What is PCI Compliance?

The PCI Complaince Standards are framed by the PCI DSS Council for companies that accepts, processes and stores credit card data to be PCI Complaint and to host customer data securely.

Comodo HackerGuardian is a fully featured and highly configurable vulnerability scanning solution that helps enterprises, payment gateways, and e-commerce merchants quickly achieve PCI scan compliance.

Comodo HackerGuardian vulnerability scans can be run on externally facing IP ranges and hosts and on internal networks protected by a firewall or other network security devices. The service is highly configurable and features a free Payment Credential CVC site-seal – helping to reassure web-site visitors that you are authorized to take card payments online.

Comodo has simplified the PCI Scanning requirement and annual SAQ into accessible methods to help you validate your compliance.