
Mail Shield

Scans all incoming/outgoing email for malware (a special plug-in is used for MS Outlook).

Web Shield

Scans all visited web pages, downloaded files, and java scripts. Thanks to the intelligent stream scanning feature, the Web Shield doesn’t slow your web browsing.

Antivirus And Anti-Spyware Engine

Our award-winning scanning engine protects against viruses, spyware, and other malicious agents, now with a new algorithm that is based on machine learning, which can process new-virus data in milliseconds rather than hours.

Real-Time Anti-Rootkit Protection

Prevents stealth malware (‘rootkits’) that, when loaded by the computer’s OS, are invisible to ordinary scanners

File Reputation System

Now with more than a billion unique files in our cloud, avast! FileRep lets you know whether a file is safe before you open it – determined in part by how many people have the file and how new the file is. The technology is also used internally, to help the scanning engine make more intelligent decisions.